Users of this website, hereinafter referred to as User, are informed that the owner of the website, hereinafter referred to as the Website, is Yvan Menendez Bustillo with NIF41744345N, whose address is Av. Serra Aitana 16 bajo 2 03530 La Nucia Alicante Spain.

Terms of Use

Access to the Website is free and unrestricted as long as the user accepts the terms of use displayed upon entry, in accordance with current legislation.

If the user subscribes to any service on the Website, they will do so by accepting the Terms of Use and the Privacy and Cookies Policy that will be presented to them.

Accuracy of Data

The User acknowledges that the supplied data is truthful and accurate, committing to notify any changes or modifications that occur in them.

Modification of Service

The Website reserves the right to modify or eliminate the services offered through the website.

General Rules of Use

The User undertakes to use this Website diligently, correctly, and respectfully, especially when posting opinions and/or comments.

Likewise, the User undertakes, merely by way of example, not to make comments or take actions that are:

Defamatory, inaccurate, false, abusive, injurious, obscene, irreverent, offensive, insulting, implicitly or explicitly sexual, threatening, harassing, racist, sexist, discriminatory for any reason, that violate morality, public order, fundamental rights, public freedoms, honor, privacy, or the image of third parties, and, in general, current regulations, and/or illegal or infringing on the rights of third parties (e.g., industrial and intellectual property rights; privacy or publicity rights).

Transmitters of spam, "SPAM," messages for commercial purposes, "chain letters," or unsolicited mass mailings, false, misleading, or promoting illegal activities or rude, threatening, obscene, defamatory, or injurious behavior.

Supplying practical information on illegal activities.

Involving any commercial activity, advertising, or sales, even if there is no monetary consideration.

Containing personal data about third parties that require the consent of the owner or holder of the rights.

The User will be liable to the Website or any third party for any damages and losses that may arise as a result of non-compliance with this obligation. The Website does not moderate User content.

Intellectual Property

These legal conditions do not transfer any intellectual or industrial property rights over this Website and its contents (photographs, videos, creations, texts, etc.). The User is expressly prohibited from reproducing, transforming, distributing, publicly communicating, making available, extracting, reusing, redirecting, or using them in any way or by any means unless legally permitted or authorized by the owner of the corresponding rights.

Obligations of the Website

The Website is responsible for the services it provides itself and for the contents directly originated by the website and identified with its corresponding copyright.

The Website will take the necessary measures to guarantee security and privacy in communications.

The Website reserves the right to temporarily suspend the provision of the service without prior notice to the User whenever necessary for maintenance, updating, or improvement operations.

The Website cannot guarantee the availability and continuous operation of the website due to interruptions, failures, etc.


Until now, compliance with the Spanish Data Protection Act (LOPD) was being followed regarding data privacy, a law that as of May 25, 2018, is replaced by the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) of the European Union.

This Privacy Policy will be valid only for personal data obtained on the Website and does not apply to information collected by third parties on other websites, even if they are linked to the Website.

By doing so, the Website expresses its commitment to maintaining and ensuring secure business relationships with the User by protecting their personal data and guaranteeing their right to privacy.

Personal data required by the Website

In order to provide our services, we need certain identifying information depending on the service provided by the Website:

For the guestbook/opinions:

Name: to identify the User.
Email: to know the email from which the comment was made.

For the blog:

If we have enabled Users to leave comments:
Name: to identify the User.
Email: to know the email from which the comment was made.

For the online store:

Only the necessary data will be requested to manage an order.
Name and surname: to manage the order.
NIF/tax code: to manage the order.
Address: to manage the order.
Postal code: to manage the order.
City: to manage the order.
Province: to manage the order.
Country: to manage the order.
Phone: to manage the order.
Email: to manage the order, send order copies, and other related communications.

For the private customer area:

The customer area is a private zone. The Website will provide you with a username and password as a User to access this restricted service, understanding that you accept all legal conditions.

For the contact form:
Name and surname: to be able to respond to the inquiry.
Phone: to be able to respond to the inquiry.
Email: to be able to respond to the inquiry.

For making online payments:

In case of using a credit or debit card or a PayPal account to make an online payment for a service or product, the banking or financial data of the User involved in the payment is always managed directly by the providers indicated in the section Services offered by third parties. The Website will never have access to the User's banking data.

Additionally, when you visit our Website, certain information is automatically stored for technical reasons, such as the IP address assigned by your Internet access provider.
Thanks to consent, we can process your data, which is a mandatory requirement for you to access the Website's services correctly.

The user has the right to be forgotten when they want all their data to be deleted from our database.

Category of the data

The data collected by the Website is not considered sensitive or protected data.

According to Article 9.1 of the new General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) of the European Union, personal data that reveals the following is considered sensitive or protected data:

Ethnic or racial origin.
Political opinions.
Religious or philosophical beliefs.
Trade union membership.
Processing of genetic data.
Biometric data aimed at uniquely identifying a natural person.
Data concerning health.
Data concerning the sex life or sexual orientation of a natural person.

We only work with the minimum identifying data necessary to carry out our work: name, surname, address, phone, email, NIF/tax code.
Data retention period
Customer data: name, phone, postal address, email, etc. will remain in our system for as long as is legally and technically required for the normal operation of the website unless the user exercises their right to deletion or updating.
Applicable regulations
Since May 25, 2018, the website is governed by the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) of the European Union.

Exercise of rights

Any user who has provided their data to the website may contact the website owner in order to exercise their right of access to their data, rectification, erasure, limitation, and objection regarding the data included in their files.

The method that the user must use to communicate with the website will be through their registered email account in our web service or in writing.

The user may exercise their rights by written communication addressed to the website with the reference "Data Protection," specifying their data, proving their identity, and stating the reasons for their request at the following address:

Any information we need to store due to a legal, tax, or contractual obligation will be blocked and only used for those purposes instead of being deleted.
Modification of the privacy policy
Website reserves the right to modify the Privacy Policy, motivated by a legislative, jurisprudential, or doctrinal change of the Spanish Data Protection Agency.

Any modification to the Privacy Policy will be published at least ten days before its effective implementation.
File Manager and Data Processor
The file manager is the owner of the Website.

Services offered by third parties

To provide strictly necessary services for its proper functioning, the Website uses the following service providers under their respective privacy conditions:

Google Analytics, for statistics.

Facebook Pixel, for statistics.

PayPal for payments.

Social plugins

On our Website, we offer links and services related to different social networks. If the User is a member of a social network and clicks on the corresponding link, the social network provider may link their profile data with the information of their visit to the Website.

Therefore, the User must be informed about the functions and policies regarding the processing of their personal data by the respective social network. Whether they access one of our web pages with any of their social network profiles or share information through them.

The User can access the privacy policies of the different social networks at any time, as well as configure their profile to ensure their privacy.

Facebook: 243/
Google Plus:

Acceptance, consent, and revocation

The User declares to have been informed of the present conditions regarding the protection of personal data, accepting and consenting to the processing of their data by the Website in the manner and for the purposes indicated in the Legal Notice.

At any time, the User may revoke their data, but without affecting actions already taken in the past, in other words, without retroactive effect.


We want to inform you that the Website uses cookies to measure and analyze the navigation of our users.

Cookies are files that are installed on the device from which you access the Website for the purposes described on this page.

The applications we use to obtain information about navigation, measure and analyze the audience are:

Google Analytics

These applications have been developed by Google, which provides us with the service of measuring and analyzing the audience of our pages. They can also use this data to improve their own services and to offer services to other companies. You can learn about these other uses from the indicated links.

These tools do not obtain data about your name or surnames or your postal address from which you connect. The information they obtain is related to the number of visits to the pages, the language, the social network on which our news is published, the city assigned to the IP address from which you access, the number of new users, the frequency and recurrence of visits, the duration of the visit, the browser, and the operator or type of terminal from which the visit is made.

We use this information to improve our pages, detect new needs, and assess the improvements to be introduced in order to provide a better service to the users who visit us, adapting them, for example, to the most commonly used browsers or terminals.

To allow, know, block, or delete the cookies installed on your computer, you can do so by configuring the options of the browser installed on your computer. You can find information on how to do this in the case you use as a browser:






This website uses cookies to ensure you get the best experience on our website